These are talks that I’ve held on various occasions.
- Microbiome data: what’s in the bag? When you do a
typical microbiome study you get measurements constrained to sum to a
certain number (called compositional data). Is this useful? Can we cheat
our way toward non-compositional measurements? Presented at CANS day,
2023. [slides]
- DAGs: tools for reasoning about causes. A guest
lecture I’ve given about once a semester for a couple of years on the ue
of DAGs in causal inference. Most recently for the Department of
Community Medicine, UiT, October, 2023. [slides]
- Introdution to Bayesian Inference. Guest lecture
given to the advanced epidemiology course, Dep’t of Community Medicine,
UiT. October, 2021. [slides]
- Version control, &c. A small workshop on
version control for the Dep’t of Community Medicine, UiT. November 25th,
2020. [slides]
- Opposing forces in big data. On expectation
propagation. Presented at the HDL lab meeting, UiT. October, 2020. [slides]
- One weird trick to quantify uncertainty One hour
workshop teaching the bootstrap to our lab. [slides] [
- Scientific cartography A talk about causal DAGs for
Norwegian Women and Cancer’s systems epidemiology. Given by me and
Karina Standahl Olsen in November, 2019. [slides]
- Learn to live with lack of rejection A talk for
Norwegian Women and Cancer’s systems epidemiology group by myself and
Kajsa Møllersen. [slides]
- Small data: practical modeling issues in human-model -omic
data Defense for the degree of Ph. D. 8th of February, 2019.
- Variable selection in genomics — Methods, challenges, and
possibilities Trial lecture for the degree of Ph. D. 8th of
February, 2019. [slides]
- Shrinkage estimation for fun and profit BDPS lab
meeting, University of Tromsø. 19th of February, 2018. [slides]
- Predicting breast cancer metastasis from blood samples — “On
variance and other problems” Presented at the Breast Cancer and
the Immune System workshop, Barbados, 2017. [slides]
- Predicting breast cancer metastasis from blood gene
expression using time-to-diagnosis data to derive signature
estimates. Poster presented at the 2017 Statistical Methods for
Postgenomic Data workshop in London. [poster]
- The pragmatic R programmer. Intro to writing
reusable R code and bundling it in packages. Given at the Department of
Community Medicine, University of Tromsø. 17th of November, 2016. [slides] [demo package]
- Version control and you. Intro to version control
software (Git) and its place in reproducible data analysis. Given at the
Department of Community Medicine, University of Tromsø. 16th of
November, 2016. [slides]
- Predicting cancer progression from blood gene expression
(Alternate title: Some negative results). Talk given for the
Machine Learning @ UiT weekly seminar 23rd of October, 2015.
this file last touched 2023.12.21